While Danish is the official language of Denmark, most Danes speak excellent English and many understand German. Nevertheless, being able to speak some Danish will benefit you both socially and if you want to look for a job. As an employee or student in Denmark, you have the opportunity to take Danish language lessons free of cost. More information is available at www.dedanskesprogcentre.dk.These institutions offer the whole range of academic disciplines. In the German tradition, universities focus in particular on basic research so that advanced stages of study have mainly theoretical orientation and research-oriented components.
Danish higher education institutions offer a range of opportunities for international students. All programmes are internationally recognised and of the highest quality. More than 500 degrees programmes and 1000 courses are taught in English. As an international student you can choose between several types of programmes taught entirely in English:
You can also choose between three types of Danish educational institutions: Universities, University Colleges(Professionshøjskoler) and Academies of Professional Higher Education (Erhvervsakademier). For more information on study programmes, visit and many understand German.