program offers equitable and attractive benefits for all the selected applicants and their families:
You can attain Cyprus citizenship upon meeting certain Cyprus citizenship by investment requirements:
Must make mandatory donations:
Make any one of the below investment option:
Pro Tip: Except donations, all the investments in the properties and acquired assets can be sold after 5 years of citizenship. However, you need to hold real estate to minimum value of EUR 500,000 (INR 4.34 Crore) as your residence to maintain Cyprus Citizenship.
Stage 1 – Select investment options
Stage 2 – Visit Cyprus and view properties
Stage 3 – Sign the agreement of Sale & submit biometric
Stage 4 – Gather Documents for Application
Stage 5 – Submit the citizenship Application
Stage 6 – Application approval and Cyprus Passport
Cyprus citizenship by investment processing time will take around 6 months. Below is the breakdown of processing fees:
How Abhinav can help for Cyprus Citizenship by Investment:
Cyprus investment programme has a comparatively straight-forward process, but is very delicate that require utmost level of dexterity in the documentation and application process while maintaining the facts and facets of the investment. Abhinav Immigration is widely known for executing such application process with the backing of dedicated business immigration division, a team of immigration experts and wide network of international stakeholders and designated bodies.